What to Watch, Listen, & Read this Season

Eleyna recommends the following three resources: Watch, Listen, or Read


New resource from Bend The Arc on Dismantling Antisemitism Messaging Guide

This is an important new guide from Bend The Arc, that proposes new ways to talk about antisemitism in the current moment. 


TischPDX alumni and friends recently attended  Let My People Sing, a weekend of Jewish singing for liberation on the east coast and came home with this song, by Jewish artist, Aly Halpert. I invite you to listen here.

Podcast: Rabbi Josh Rose and I talk about Jewish community building in these times. Listen here


Safety Through Solidarity
This is a new book out, written by local author Shane Burley and Ben Lorber, a researcher at Political Research Associates. It has  timely and good information to add to your list of resources and thinking around resisting current day antisemitism.