we are

grounded in wisdom

TischPDX works to bolster the leadership of
young and marginalized Jews in Portland, OR.

Revitalizing organized Jewish life & practice by identifying and supporting THE DEVELOPMENT of Jewish start-ups among
unaffiliated young Jews on Portland’s East Side.

Curious about the cohort?

The TischPDX Cohort is a 10 - 16 month program for young Jewish community builders, organizers, artists, hosts, and conveners who are unaffiliated with established Jewish community and interested in bolstering their leadership capacity in bringing together Jews across PDX.

we ground in wisdom and root in the ancient,
so we can meaningfully explore the new and renewed.

Join us for a taste of Portland's emerging Judaism

Our cohort members hold regular gatherings that innovate on Jewish practice and bring new life to ancient traditions.

Black Lives Matter Statement

From its beginnings, TischPDX has addressed racial equity;
because of the work of Black, Indigenous and People of Color activists, both within and outside of Jewish community, now we see it must be continuously woven into the braid of our work.

As Jews, our tradition teaches us, in the words of Rabbi Tarfon, “it is not incumbent upon you to finish the task, but neither are you free to absolve yourself from it”. Tzedek, or justice, is a central tenet of our teachings, life and culture.

To this end, we collectively affirm:

As Ijeoma Oluo, author and activist, in her book, So You Want To Talk About Race, exhorts us,

“Act now, because people are dying now in this unjust system. How many lives have been ground up by racial prejudice and hate? How many opportunities have we already lost? Act and talk and learn and f*ck up and learn some more and act again and do better. We have to do this all at once. We have to learn and fight at the same time. Because people have been waiting far too long for their chance to live as equals in this society.”

The reasons why at TischPDX we try to lead with race when we talk about equity:

TischPDX has been instrumental in my development as a Jewish community organizer, event steward, and teacher. I have learned skills and analyses that have made my practice more consistent and dependable, felt held in the warm, emboldening accountability of a likeminded cohort, and made friends who I hope will be lifelong. Thanks to Tisch, I finally feel like I can step into my role as an official Jewish Educator in the community!"

Rocky Cohen, 2019/20 Cohort